Brook Lane is excited to offer a new treatment for those with major depression called deep transcranial magnetic stimulation, or Deep TMS.

While there are numerous treatment options available to those diagnosed with depression, many patients struggle to experience significant symptom relief and cope with medication side effects. Deep TMS is a well-tolerated, highly effective, noninvasive treatment that can facilitate a profound improvement in a patient’s mental health.
Deep TMS is FDA-cleared and clinically proven to alleviate symptoms of depression without causing significant adverse or long-lasting side effects.
Treatment Process
Varying from patient to patient, the average treatment schedule consists of 36 sessions over a 6-week period, followed by periodic maintenance sessions. Each session typically takes 20 minutes. The patient is comfortably seated in a chair, wearing a helmet. Treatment is administered through coils in the helmet that deliver gentle electromagnetic pulses to key areas in the brain involved in mood regulation. These pulses feel like mild tapping on the scalp. Patients are awake and alert during treatment.

Side Effects
There are no systemic side effects commonly associated with antidepressant medication. Patients may initially experience non-systemic, mild side effects such as headaches or minor pain at the site of the treatment. These generally subside after the first few sessions. Anesthesia is not required so the patient may return to a normal routine immediately following treatment.
Our TMS Team
Dr. Jamal Fawaz
Dr. Lynn Feldman
Dr. David Gonzalez
Dr. Richard Rothman
Brian O’Keefe, CMPE, Director of Physician Practice
Elizabeth Alvarez, TMS Coordinator
Take the First Step
Wondering if TMS might be the right treatment for you? Talk to your health care provider or contact our TMS Coordinator for more information at 301-733-0331 x1146 or